ED271 Educational Portfolio
Artifact 1-Online Education Game
This educational game chosen by my group and I is a great way for students to learn math and have fun too doing it. Feedback was an important part for choosing the the right game for the students. The game is able to help the student have an idea on where they are in basic math.My group and I created a rubric that we could easily evaluate the game. The site we chose to create our presentation was Prezi because of the transitions and it gives the audience an overview of our presentation.
Standard 1(a)-Learner
Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
Artifact 2: Tools Assessment
Standard 2(c)-Leader
Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation, and adoption, of new digital resources and tools for learning
In my blog, I evaluated eight different tech tools. Four of the tools were given to us to assess and the other four we chose. I chose the tools that I worked with the most in ED271. I critiques each tools weakness and strength. At the end of each tool, I gave a (1-5) rating.
Artifact 3: Digital Safety Presentation
Standard 3(c)-Citizen
Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.
In this project, my group and I were given the topic of textual harassment and sexting. We had to collect as much information such definitions, Laws in the U.S or Guam, Tips for kids and teens and ways teachers can help their students. For this project, we used Wix to create our presentation because there were a lot information and subtopic that would be better viewed as a website.
Artifact 4: Cereal Lesson Plan
Standard 5(c)-Designer
Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.
In this assignment, my group and I had to create a lesson plan revolving on the salt,fat, and sugar of three different cereals. We had to use the ASSURE model to create the lesson plan for the students. In our lesson plan, we instructed the student to compare the three given cereals and use the information to create a spreadsheet.
Artifact 5: Professional Proficient Presentation
Standard 6(d)-Facilitator
Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.
For my last artifact, I chose my Individual presentation. In this project, we had to create a presentation on how we became professional proficient in technology. When creating the presentation, we were allowed to be as creative as we want to be. I chose to use powtoon because I wanted to create a video. In my presentation, I discuss different tools that I have learned about in the class and the tools that I used for projects and assignments.